7th International Workshop for Technical, Economic and Legal Aspects
of Business Models for Virtual Goods
incorporating the 5th International ODRL Workshop
Nancy, 22 Sep 2009, France.
in co-location with
IFIP I3E, 23-25 Sep 2009
and with ODRL group meeting 21 Sep 2009
A panoramic view of Place Stanislas
Keynote speaker:
Bill Rosenblatt "The Trajectory of DRM Technologies: Past, Present, and Future"
Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to, the following aspects:
- New business models of virtual goods
- Peer-to-peer distribution systems
- Web service infrastructures of securing virtual goods
- Digital rights management: technical solutions, user acceptance
- Content protection (watermarking, encryption, signatures)
- Rights and policy expression languages, esp. but not only ODRL
- ODRL profiles and applications
- Rights expression/policy models
- Policy aware Web
- Interoperability within rights expression/policy languages
- Economic models of pure virtual environments (Second Life, etc)
- Underground markets: malware, copyright infringement, etc.
- Digital libraries
- Forensics of digital rights
- Economic role of the actors
- Impact on the society
- E-culture participation
- Social networks
- Social commerce
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